Frontier available to all! Figma to Code, using your components, in VSCode Get Frontier in VSCode
Frontier available to all! Figma to Code, using your components, in VSCode Get Frontier in VSCode

Anima + Adobe XD

Create high-fidelity prototypes, and convert them to code with Anima for Adobe XD

Start free

Apple logo
Netflix logo
Adobe logo
Amazon logo
Walmart logo

Create interactive and fully responsive prototypes

Easily create breakpoints and flexbox layouts. Transform static elements into interactive components, by adding live forms, GIFs, Lottie, and embedding videos.

Convert design to code

Develop faster with component-based code. Convert Adobe XD designs into clean, reusable HTML, Vue, & React code

One tool for design & development

Say goodbye to the handoff back-and-forth, create code-based responsive prototypes, get developer-friendly code, and continuous team collaboration.

“Anima produced thousands of lines of code for me. It saved me months of work. I’d rather make some edits on existing code than write everything from scratch”

Matthew Aden

Developer @

Build better products faster