Frontier available to all! Figma to Code, using your components, in VSCode Get Frontier in VSCode
Frontier available to all! Figma to Code, using your components, in VSCode Get Frontier in VSCode

Prototypes that work exactly like the finished product

Anima makes it easy to create fully interactive & high-fidelity prototypes that look and work exactly like the finished product. No coding is required.

Available for

Create fully responsive prototypes.

Easily create fully responsive prototypes with fluid breakpoints and flexbox layout. Design one prototype for all devices and share a single link.

and no.. it’s not like other prototyping tools

Turn static elements to interactive components

Enhance prototype functionality with interactive elements including animations, transitions, and gestures. Use functional forms and buttons, and link anywhere.

Prototypes that work exactly like the finished product.

Embed live videos and Gifs

Anything you can do with code you can do with Anima. You can embed videos, GIFs, Lottie files, and custom snippets like maps, chatbots, analytics, etc.

We create code based prototypes, No coding required!

Make your developer fall in love with you

Anima’s code-based prototypes hand developers your design in full so you spend less time trying to communicate your vision and more time improving the product and design.

Works with your design tools

Anima plugin integrates with Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD making it easy to design high-fidelity prototypes in the tools you already work with.


Do more, Go faster

Get started with Anima Today